Glueing the crayons down
Glueing the crayons down

A craft corner that will melt your heart

On a raining, dreary Sunday, options are limited. The birds do not sing, the sun is hiding and staying cooped up inside the house is the only alternative. Although the thought of not doing physical activity may sound boring, there are plenty of ways to entertain oneself, such as do-it-yourself arts and crafts.

Melted crayon art is a new form of art that only requires a canvas, a hair dryer, a hot glue gun and crayons. By following a couple easy steps, friends will be wondering if it was purchased from a museum.

Step 1: Plug in your hot glue gun. Pick out the crayons you will be using for the craft and assemble them in the order that they will be glued to the canvas.

Step 2: Apply glue to each crayon and place them length-wise at the top of the canvas, the crayon tip facing downward.

Step 3: Hold canvas over sink and turn on hair dryer. Point the hair dryer at the middle of the crayons. The crayons should begin to melt and drip onto the canvas, creating a rain drop effect.

Step 4: Put canvas in a safe place and let it dry for 15 minutes

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