The Student News Source of Sparkman High School

Photo Credit: Briana Green

The guidance department hosted a Registration Expo on Jan. 24 where students could obtain information on courses offered. All registration forms are due before the end of the month.

Counselor Sits Down For Q&A On Registration

CC: How would you help a student understand how to properly sign up for classes?

TH: Counselors will go to the classroom and give verbal instructions and monitor students as they complete their schedules. If a student needs more help, we will work with the student one on one. Students will also have the opportunity to set up an appointment with their counselor.

CC: What advice would you give students who are confused by the class registration?

TH: I advise students to make an appointment with their counselor. They can also talk with their teachers about their classes.

CC: How can students prepare for class registration for next school year?

TH: Go to Powerschool and access their transcript. Transcripts show the classes already taken and credits earned and GPA. talk with their parents/guardians. Talk with their counselor. Talk with Dr. Muhammed in the College and Career Center.

CC: What advice would you give to a student who is planning to graduate early?

TH: Unless there is an extreme circumstance, early graduation is not advisable, Students should talk with their counselor first.

CC: Some students think that class registration doesn’t actually matter, So how would you help students understand the importance?

TH: A student involved in picking out their own classes empowers them to do well and work toward their future goals. Students involved in their own class registration do better academically.

CC: How would you help students come to see counselors about their classes?

TH: Counselors at SHS use via QR codes. QR codes will be displayed in the halls,students will receive the QR code before registration, and the QR codes will be on the school website. Students and parents can schedule a day and time with their counselor on their right on their phone or laptop. They will receive a

CC: Some students have anxiety and this time of year can be extremely stressful for them so what is some advice that you would give to a student who is worried about picking the wrong classes?

TH: What really helps with anxiety in students communicating with their counselor, through email, stopping by the Guidance Office, and/or talking with us when in classrooms or in the hallways. We love talking with our awesome students! Also, we find that many students end up really enjoying a class that may not have been their first choice. Keeping an open mind to new experiences can really take off some of the pressure to pick the “right” classes.

CC: How do you as a counselor prepare for class registration time?

TH: I prepare by counting credits, checking to make sure students are in their correct classes, looking at what classes they might need the next school year,monitoring grades and attendance, and I conference with my fellow counselors to make sure we are prepared before we walk into the classrooms to register students.

CC: Some students overthink when it comes to picking their classes so what advice would you give to a student to help relieve some of their stress?

TH: Focus on your future goals. Challenge yourself, you are smarter and stronger than you think.

CC: How would you help a student who is new to the school understand the process of class registration?

TH: Working with that student one on one in the best way to help a new student understand the process.

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