Moments of respect

More stories from Tessa Jackson


Before begining the pep rally in support of the football players, the gym had a moment of silcence for the 9/11 victims.

Soldiers have spent years sacrificing for us, thus we can sacrifice a moment of our time for them. If the Pledge was not important, it would not be a part of every school day. As well as our country, people around us deserve respect.

Both the Pledge and the moment of silence should be taken seriously. Placing your hand over your heart and barely moving your mouth does not qualify. The Pledge is not as effective without a voice. The words are meant to be said aloud, not in your head.

The moment of silence can be used for various things. Some people take this time to gather their thoughts for the rest of the day. Others take this time to pray; both of which are important.

It is not asked that you have to actually use this moment of silence. All that is asked is to simply remain silent. One should not even have the desire to talk, just to show respect for others around us.
Lately, when the pledge is being said, students seem embarrassed to say it. Being disrespectful is not “cool”. Not saying anything at all is just as bad as talking about other things during the Pledge. Just like in a situation of a bully, bystanders that do not use their voices do the same amount of damage as the bullies themselves.

Because the Pledge and moment of silence take place every day of every school year, they begin to feel repetitive. However, honoring our country should not feel like a chore, and because we respect our country, we need to respect the people we share this country with.