CC Catches up With Mrs. Kessler

Mrs. Kessler looks at book orders to help keep the library up to date.
Mrs. Kessler looks at book orders to help keep the library up to date.
Photo Credit: Neal Elliott

Crimson Crier: What are the biggest changes to the library this year? 

Kessler: We have tried to add more graphic novels and manga.

CC: What change was made to the fiction section and non-fiction section respectively? 

Kessler: So for fiction, we’re trying to make it more diverse and add more diverse perspectives. For nonfiction, we’ve had more requests for science books and psychology books so we’ve been trying to ask for those. 

CC: How many more books are expected to be added to the library this year? 

Kessler: The book order I’m working on now has 28 books in it. We’ll probably be adding 50 a month through April. 

CC: How much attention has the library cart been receiving and at what times are students able to use it? 

Kessler: So it got a lot of attention at first and then it kind of slacked off and we want to get it back out there for Valentine’s Day. We also have a section of Love Gone Wrong Valentine’s books out right now. 

CC: How many books can a student have checked out at a time? 

Kessler: 4 at a time. We do unfortunately have a lot of people with overdue books. So please bring those back in especially if they had them since before Christmas

CC: At what point do checked-out books become overdue? 

Kessler: So after two weeks they become overdue.

CC: If the library does not have a book a student is looking for, can they make a request for it to be ordered by the library? 

Kessler: Yeah absolutely. In fact I was just looking through our request list and adding some more books to the orders

CC: What is the most popular section of fiction right now? 

Kessler: Romance is always popular. We also have some fantasy readers who go through lots of fantasy books. 

CC: What is the most popular section of the non-fiction section right now?

Kessler: Definitely science. A lot of people are interested in medical stuff. Some brain science. We also ordered some Stephen Hawking books.

CC: Is there anything else you would like to let me know about the library? 

Kessler: Just come check out books, please.

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