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Welcome Back Senators!

Welcome Back Senators!

Today marks the official first week back in school after summer break. Normally during this time, students accept both old and new rules such as waking up earlier to make it to school on time and a new daily schedule. As a student, I have also accepted and have to adjust to them. I go with the flow, but it is more of a challenge for other students.

An example of this is the new phone policy. For me, it is simple to follow. Keep your phone in your bag, and you are in line, but some students need help applying the discipline to put the phone away. Why? I do not know, maybe it could be the mental and emotional attachment to the information the phone provides. The new phone policy is strict but necessary. Last year, I saw many students being on their phones in class. So I can see why they made the new rule.

Another thing about this first week is the car rider line. During the first two days of school, the majority of students were late due to the long car rider line. I was shocked by the line on the first day because last year it wasn’t like that. It was backed up all the way to the Fords Chapel Rd. Even if you arrive about 50 minutes early, you are still waiting. Fortunately, it got better over the next few days. Hopefully, something like that will not happen again, and students will not be late due to the line.

Last are the new daily schedules that students have. Students have no control over their schedules. Sometimes students will get lucky, and sometimes they do not. It could be difficult for some due to their classes being on the other side of the building, especially with the crowded hallways and the arrival of the new students. It can be complicated, I know. Please, if you are in the hallway be mindful of others, as they try to get to their class.

Overall, so far everything is going well.  I am excited about the upcoming games and events happening in Sparkman as well as new lessons, friends, and memories. So let’s have a great year Senators because only you can make it that way.

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