Ultron is ultra good


By Noah Lombard, Reporter

Although I may have just been caught up in the hype of opening night (seeing how I was dressed as Captain America and was running late to the theater), “Avengers: Age of Ultron” was everything I expected it to be and even a little of what I did not.

After seeing all the trailers, I was afraid that there would be nothing left to surprise me. I knew the basic storyline, the new characters introduced and ultimately that it would have a happy ending. I was thrilled to find out I was wrong: I nearly kicked the head of the person in front of me when I saw Vision emerge from his crate.
Overall, it was your basic Frankenstein story— someone tries to play God to better humanity and winds up with his monster wreaking havoc on society. However, I think we would all agree that a humanoid battle-bot with access to all of our personal information is a little scarier than a green guy who has bolts sticking out of his neck.

If there is one thing Marvel is good at though, it’s knowing how to break up a serious moment with a little comic relief. Instead of Ultron being portrayed as some unstoppable robotic dictator, he came off as more of a sarcastic warlord— actually, his personality was very similar to that of Hades in Disney’s Hercules. In the end, I wound up liking him and hated that he had to go. I mean, what other supervillain apologizes after ripping someone’s arm off?

I did think it had a different feel from its predecessor; whether it is better or worse, I am not sure. Either way, I thoroughly enjoyed it; I laughed at the jokes, the fight scenes and even everyone’s reaction when Thanos appeared in the after credits scene. If you are a Marvel fan, I highly recommend it.