New semester brings new confusion

By Zachary Lequieu, Reporter

We arrive at school after a relaxing winter break, only to be met with confusing mistakes in our schedules.
I was sitting in the class that my schedule listed, but my name was not on the roll; I had never requested a change in my schedule.
I was sent to the lunch room to fix the issue, where I was then directed to the guidance office. As I stood in line for my new schedule, I noticed that there were many other students with similar issues. The school should be prepared and have the scheduling fixed before the students arrive. There was a teacher’s work day on Jan. 2, so why were schedules not checked for mistakes and revised then?
Several people request schedule changes because they want to be with their friends, they dislike their teacher or they just hate the class in general. Understandably, there is hardly any way to avoid that, but they could create strict requirements to permit changes. There should be priority for those of us that are denied classes we need to graduate.
I did not ask for a schedule change, so I do not understand how my schedule was incorrect to begin with. There seems to be a lack of communication somewhere in the chain of command that results in these issues. There are many questions students have about their schedule and the scheduling process, but we end up with more questions than answers and no one that can give them.