14 gifts for a high school graduate

14 gifts for a high school graduate

By Bria Calhoun, Web Editor

Oh! The places we will go. Twelve years have passed and it is time to go. We had so much fun throughout the years and now it’s time for our parents, family and friends to pay up in gifts. Who wants a lame gift? Parents have a clue of what to give their little boy or girl, but this list gives them that extra push to actually give what their kid wants but also needs.

Care Packages are wonderful gifts and so necessary for a student transitioning into higher education or the next stage of life. Inside the package can be a variety of things like hygiene products, lotions, perfumes, food because everyone loves food, drinks, snacks, a letter from a friend or parent or even favorite books and DVDs. Care packages are definitely a favorite among students.

Anything electronic is a great gift. Everybody needs a camera. With a camera a graduate can capture all the memories to have always. With pictures comes the need for picture frames.

Dorm stuffers are good gifts too they add pizazz to the graduate’s room and make them feel closer to home, but with those gifts come big gifts. A big gift could be a television, laptop, a gaming system or a Netflix subscription. College students are going to need some chill time after all those classes and those big parties.

The best gift of all time is cash and lots of gift cards. The graduate will be happy and so will the giver because it was easy and quick to the point. If really to make a graduate smile from ear get them a car. Too pricey? Opt out for a bike.

Whatever you buy your graduate, remember it is the thought that counts.