The Student News Source of Sparkman High School

Photo Credit: Chelsea Moore

Social Studies teacher, Bryant Wallace, was hired to replace Mrs. Boddie who left to become an instructional coach.

New Teacher Talks Reason He Teaches

CC: What are your plans for the new semester?

Bryant Wallace: I want to do my best to get to know everyone and teach something new that they don’t know so the student can grow daily.

CC: How do you feel being a first year teacher coming in the middle of the school year?

Wallace: It was a little nerve wracking at first but everyone is really friendly, staff and students. Everyone makes me feel welcome and I really feel at home here.

CC: What are some things you’re excited to teach this semester?

Wallace: In sociology it’s kind of like psychology but instead of studying the individual state of the brain in sociology you study groups of people and how they interact with each other. For example culture, norms, and fads any form of collective behavior that develops within a culture. I think the kids will really look forward to learning about culture and fads, how trends have become popular and dissolve and come back.

CC: Where did you go to college and what was your major?

Wallace: I went to college at Jacksonville State University and majored in secondary education with a concentration in social science.

CC: What is something that makes you stand out as a teacher?

Wallace: I feel I am one of the teachers closer to the students in age and so I can relate to what they are going through. I can do my best to keep the class fun, interesting, and not make it feel like a chore. I want it to be a place where students can say, “I love sociology, it’s my favorite part of the day.”

CC: What made you want to be a teacher? Why did you choose high school instead of middle school or elementary?

Wallace: When it comes to teaching as a whole, I never knew what I was going to do in my life or if I was going to do anything at all whether it was work or going to college. Fortunately, some teachers at my high school encouraged me to teach. I can teach high school and middle school with my degree but as far as elementary, it takes a special breed of person and a lot of patience.

CC: Who is someone that inspires you? Why?

Wallace: So many people inspire me but if I had to pick one I would say Pat Tillman. He is one of those guys who is really determined in life. He played football at Arizona State and played in the NFL for several years but, after the 9/11 attack he turned down a contract extension with the Cardinals and went into the army and gave his life for his country.

CC: Is there anything else you want me to know or include in the story?

Wallace: I was an athlete. I played football at Jackson State, kicker/punter, for four years.

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