Low attendence takes pep out of pep rallies

By Carla Mack, Photo Editor

With the recent lack of attendance in student activities granted by Principal Mike Campbell, his decision on cutting back the amount of further events for the future is reasonable. But some question whether implementing this decision on the entire student body is fair.

After a large amount of checkouts before the David Fanning concert held for students, Campbell voiced his disappointment for the amount of people leaving and explained that these events were not guaranteed for students, but a kind gesture that could easily be taken away if there was a continued lack of appreciation.

With over 250 checkouts before the most recent pep rally, there was again a sense of disappointment, not only some of the student body’s school spirit, but their true appreciation for events. Along with the disapproved “class rivalry” Campbell has repeatedly expressed his dislike for, this last event seemed like a tipping point for him. He announced the new cutback in future activities in hopes students would grow to appreciate the time out of class and participate more.

The question for many is whether this cutback is fair, as many students did show up and participate in these activities. All students are being punished for the decision to check out of school in lieu of attending school-sanctioned events. Ideas on alternative punishment should be underway, as well as more promotion of student support and appreciation, versus taking away these events completely.